Product & Design 7 min read
How we design at Intercom
“…great designers are dogged in understanding the problem they are dealing with. Their curiosity and tenacity for understanding doesn’t end…”…
At Intercom, we’re working with Clay Christensen’s Jobs framework for product design. We frame every design problem in a Job, focusing on the triggering event or situation, the motivation and goal, and the intended outcome. And we blog about it in the process.
Product & Design 7 min read
“…great designers are dogged in understanding the problem they are dealing with. Their curiosity and tenacity for understanding doesn’t end…”…
Product & Design 7 min read
Personas and User Stories made sense when customers and product teams were far from each other. That’s no longer the…
Product & Design 1 min listen
I talked with Ryan Singer from 37signals about design practices, product management, the merits of UX processes, and lots more….
Customer Engagement 1 min read
Understanding the value of offline advertising is messy. Billboards, for example, are priced based on how many cars drive past…
Product & Design 3 min read
It’s risky to try to improve any part of a product without understanding the job that it does for customers,…
Customer Engagement 2 min read
To create an anxiety relievable only by a purchase… that is the job of advertising. Advertising increases familiarity, reminds consumers…
Customer Engagement 4 min read
Advertising on the web is easy… just calculate how much money a customer is worth, then find a way to…
Product & Design 1 min read
Most analytics tools and applications focus on two things: tracking data that is easy to measure, and showing visualisations that…
Product & Design 5 min read
The most important thing a product manager does is decide where their product stops and someone else’s product takes over….