How Copper generated 19 new opportunities in one month with Intercom

With Thomas Hanna, Demand Generation Programs Manager and Kyle Bastien, Senior Sales Trainer
19new opportunities after first month of Intercom
At a glance


Copper is a CRM made for Google Apps. They are the #1 funded CRM in the last decade, with customers like Zendesk, Lyft, and Betterment.


San Francisco, USA



Key features used


Copper (formerly ProsperWorks) is a CRM made for Google Apps. They are the #1 funded CRM in the last decade, with customers like Zendesk, Lyft, and Betterment. Copper's marketing and sales teams use Intercom to capture and convert more leads on their website.

When compared to traditional lead forms, Intercom converts website visitors at a 13% greater rate. After just one month of Intercom, Copper has generated 19 new opportunities and added $36k in annual recurring revenue to their pipeline.

Before Intercom, Copper realized a majority of traffic, including traffic from paid sources, was leaving their site without starting a trial or requesting a demo.

When asked why they started using Intercom, Demand Generation Programs Manager Thomas Hanna said, “We were looking to increase engagement on our website and trying to pass off qualified leads to our sales team faster. Getting a valuable lead in front of sales at the start of their evaluation is a driving force in converting them to customers.”

“Adding Intercom was an easy decision.” he said, “We’ve seen great returns each time we’ve opened a more direct path for leads to engage with our brand. It started with offering free trials, then offering a sales demo via lead forms, and now, allowing qualified leads to chat with our sales team straight from our website.”

Capturing more leads with Intercom's proactive messages

To help increase engagement on Copper’s website and capture more leads, especially from paid traffic sources, Thomas started using Intercom to send targeted messages to leads when they were live on their site. Along with Senior Sales Trainer, Kyle Bastien, the two of them began experimenting with a simple message sent to leads on their pricing page:

And from there, they used Intercom’s A/B testing feature to test and measure different versions of their message to improve performance:

Capturing more leads from paid traffic sources

Copper drives qualified leads to their site through targeted ads and other paid sources, but unfortunately, forms don’t capture a majority of those leads, and don’t help convert them at the time when they’re most likely to do so, when they’re actually live on Copper’s website.

That’s where Intercom came in. Thomas Hanna explains “We use Intercom to target leads coming in from paid sources. We saw that these leads were leaving our site without engaging with the page they landed on. With Intercom, we capture their attention and offer a way to engage with us directly so they can ask questions that may not be answered on the page. We've also placed Intercom on our pricing page so our sales team can answer questions at a pivotal point in a lead’s decision-making process. Intercom helps us close leads at the point of making a purchase or starting a trial. The impact is that we have more leads that would have previously not signed up had their questions not been answered in a timely manner, all for minimal effort on our part.”

Kyle, Copper's Senior Sales Trainer, summed it up nicely, “We’re getting more leads into the top of the funnel using Intercom. Proactively messaging leads who are on our site has essentially found money for us.”

This is just the start of Copper’s use of Intercom for sales and marketing, but the impact has already proved its value to the team “Our sales cycle is very short and our market is full of competitors. We need to be able to engage with people in real-time as they're making decisions. This is just the start of what’s possible with Intercom, and we look forward to further optimizing our messages and the results we see in the coming months” said Thomas. Copper has since added Intercom to their homepage and features pages, Thomas said in an email “Our Sales team can't get enough leads from this (in a good way!)."

The results after just one month

  1. 13% increase in website conversion rate over forms

  2. 19 new sales opportunities

  3. $36k in annual recurring revenue added to pipeline