Why Intercom?

6 reasons why Intercom is the best choice for customer service

6 reasons why Intercom is the best choice for customer service

A group of people looking over a futuristic cityscape

The best performing AI

In a head-to-head study of Intercom's Fin AI Agent and Zendesk's AI bot, Fin performed better across metrics like answer rate, answer accuracy and answer quality.

Fin is able to maintain a conversational flow by asking clarifying questions and taking actions for customers across third party systems. Zendesk's bot lacks these abilities, giving a default reply when it can't answer.

This means Fin will always answer more complex questions than Zendesk. And it's why Fin wins on answer quality metrics like completeness, helpfulness, clarity, and readability.

Intercom's Fin vs Zendesk's Bot


of the time, Fin provides a better answer


the number of complex questions answered


answer rate for questions that require multiple sources (vs Zendesk's 78%)


Within six months, Fin had resolved over 6,000 conversations, saved the team over 1,300 hours and pushed self-serve support rates as high as 87%.

David Morgan
Revenue Operations Manager, Synthesia

The numbers speak for themselves. We’re seeing a 50% resolution rate with Fin, which is pretty amazing!

Ben Peak
Director of Technical Support, Robin

Within six days, Fin is successfully resolving 42% of conversations. It’s truly surpassed my expectations.

Dane Burgess
Customer Support Director, Linktree

Within six months, Fin had resolved over 6,000 conversations, saved the team over 1,300 hours and pushed self-serve support rates as high as 87%.

David Morgan
Revenue Operations Manager, Synthesia

The numbers speak for themselves. We’re seeing a 50% resolution rate with Fin, which is pretty amazing!

Ben Peak
Director of Technical Support, Robin

Within six days, Fin is successfully resolving 42% of conversations. It’s truly surpassed my expectations.

Dane Burgess
Customer Support Director, Linktree

Modern software with the best user experience

Intercom is easy to learn and easy to use because it's designed to feel like the modern consumer apps and tools you're already using.

You'll be proud to put our software in front of your customers, and they'll be delighted with the simple, intuitive experience.

Our customizable Messenger is always on brand, and conversational by design—inviting customers to just start typing.
Zendesk UI
Intercom UI
Intercom UI
Zendesk UI
Intercom UI
Intercom UI
Zendesk UI
Intercom UI
Intercom UI

It’s really easy for us to onboard and train our teams from the get go, because they are used to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Intercom matches those modern-world chat systems.

Pelle Blarke
International Strategy and Operations Manager, Wolt

I really wanted a tool that looked good and felt great to use. Intercom is nicely designed, with nice keyboard shortcuts — those are the little things that make life quicker and easier

Pat Barlow
Support Lead, Dovetail

Intercom has a lovely interface, great UX and is very intuitive to use, too. I’m so glad we found it.

Sarah Donahoo
Customer Success Director, Fugo

It’s really easy for us to onboard and train our teams from the get go, because they are used to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Intercom matches those modern-world chat systems.

Pelle Blarke
International Strategy and Operations Manager, Wolt

I really wanted a tool that looked good and felt great to use. Intercom is nicely designed, with nice keyboard shortcuts — those are the little things that make life quicker and easier

Pat Barlow
Support Lead, Dovetail

Intercom has a lovely interface, great UX and is very intuitive to use, too. I’m so glad we found it.

Sarah Donahoo
Customer Success Director, Fugo

A seamless, self-improving system

Intercom's platform is powered by a single connected system. All your content and data can be managed in one place, and your AI agent can hand off to your human agents for a seamless customer experience.

And because AI and humans work together, they learn from each other. So the more issues you resolve, the smarter the system gets—and the better service you provide.

Intercom's self-improving AI System Model

The best thing about Intercom is its seamless blend of automation, AI, and conversational customer support. It allows us to respond faster, while empowering customers to self-serve.

Jackson Rostagno
Customer Service Manager, Bailey Nelson

The best thing about Intercom is its seamless blend of automation, AI, and conversational customer support. It allows us to respond faster, while empowering customers to self-serve.

Jackson Rostagno
Customer Service Manager, Bailey Nelson

We shape the industry

Intercom has always invented products that change the industry. And we ship faster than anyone.

We invented the world's first messenger for customer service. We invented the world's first AI Agent. We invented the world's first AI Copilot for customer service agents.

With Intercom, you—and your customers—will always get the latest innovations.

We ship new AI innovations every week

2023 Q1
58 Features Shipped
  • Improving the HC and Articles: Part II
  • New re-designed Help Center Settings page
  • HC Customization - Multi-level categories
  • Article Version Restoring
  • Article Version Comparison
  • Articles Views/Lists and Management
  • ‘After a customer sends any message’ trigger
  • Workflows: ‘Apply rules’ step
  • Workflows: Rename action steps in workflows
  • Workflows: Rules in Custom Bots
  • Custom Bots Reporting by Workflow trigger
  • Workflow Builder full screen
  • Workflows - Inactivity & Snooze
  • Chart Builder improvements for Custom Reports
  • Team Performance report metrics
  • Omnichannel Bots
  • Conversation Topics in Workflows
  • Language detection in bots
  • Resolution Bot to Custom Bot handover
  • File uploads for Tickets in the inbox
  • Allow replies to closed email conversations
  • Centralised channels hub
  • Email forwarding
  • Manage participants without sending a reply
  • Email end-user automatic detection
  • Ticket titles and descriptions
  • Side by side view of tickets & conversations
  • Improve the inbox experience: rich text
  • Differentiating tickets and conversations
  • Linked Tickets refreshed UI
  • Forward emails externally improvements
  • Improve email appearance in Inbox
  • Turning off inbox teammate presence
  • File Uploads (Web)
  • Developer documentation improvements
  • Tickets CSV Export
  • Tickets API (Retrieve & Update)
  • Tickets in Custom Actions
  • Custom Objects: Reference Attributes
  • Checklists fast follows
  • Link Branding
  • Subpaths for Help Center’s custom domain
  • HC Customisation - Collection card redesign
  • HC Customization - Multi-level categories
  • Column layout options in help center
  • Add links to help center header
  • Add contact details to help center footer
  • Background & text colour for header & footer
  • Article formatting improvements
  • Search & filter messages improvements
  • Email deliverability notification
  • Table of Contents for Help Center
  • Messenger Settings IA
  • Potential Duplicates in the Inbox
  • Phone number validation
  • Response-time expectation customisation
  • File Uploads (Mobile)
  • Improved API search
2023 Q2
58 Features Shipped
  • Fin metrics & filters in Custom Reports
  • Fin reporting enhancements
  • Fin, our new AI Agent
  • Fin hard usage limits
  • Improved Fin and Workflows preview
  • New Fin setup journey
  • Fin: viewing Fin conversations in the inbox
  • Fin can answer from multiple sources
  • Fin Content Page
  • Fin: Snippets
  • Fin: File Snippets (PDF uploads)
  • Fin Content Fast Follows
  • External Content Importer for Fin
  • Agent Productivity & Responsiveness Metrics
  • Time-zone setting in Custom Reports
  • Ability to add Inbox Rules to Workflows
  • Ticket & Slack capabilities in Workflows
  • Notify Slack action in workflows
  • Workflows audience preview
  • Inbox reliability and full customer migration
  • Metadata in email conversations improvements
  • User facing ticket Id
  • Conversational history improvements
  • Search conversations by topic
  • Redesigned inbox search V1
  • Pinning/unpinning in inbox
  • Custom folders for the left sidebar
  • Filter by CvDA or ticket attribute in inbox
  • Mark mentions unread in the Inbox
  • Prevent re-opening conversations
  • Email threading improvements
  • Reply to a specific message on Emails
  • Custom Actions in the Inbox
  • Tickets Integrations (Jira for Tickets app)
  • Export of Conversations data to Amazon S3
  • Simplified Outbound experience
  • Customise help center action colours
  • Fade background on Help Center header
  • Help Center: Show/hide collection description
  • Multiple screen resolution in HC preview
  • Change image for collections in Help Center
  • Add featured articles on Help Center homepage
  • Change header text for articles block
  • Switch order of collections and articles
  • Related Articles (in-Article)
  • Help Center: Personal Welcome Messages
  • Help Center: Font Selection
  • Help Center: Change background color body
  • Help Center: Upload custom SVG icons
  • 301 URL redirection for Zendesk migration
  • Tickets API (Search) - Unstable
  • Tickets API & Webhooks (Stable)
  • Tickets API updates
  • Stripe and Salesforce in Australia
  • Language support for Hindi and Swahili
  • Reverting “Ask our bot a question” language
  • Increase limit for buttons in custom objects
  • Multi Help Center
2023 Q3
49 Features Shipped
  • Fin CSAT
  • “Let Fin Answer” (Workflows Orchestration)
  • Fin Metrics Panel
  • Fin report chart drill-in
  • Conversational snippets for Fin
  • AI Assist commands in the Inbox
  • Fin: Content Targeting
  • Fin Content Resolution Rate Stats
  • Fin Content Debugging
  • Fin Content Library: Content Usage Stats
  • Fin Content Page: Update content language
  • Fin - Answer Streaming (web & mobile)
  • Reporting navigation improvements
  • Advanced filtering in Custom Reports
  • Office Hours controls in reports
  • Team Inbox metrics & team office hours report
  • Improved Fin setup and preview experience
  • Team Capacity Work Workflows rule
  • “Customer opens a new conversation” trigger
  • “Contains exact words” string predicate
  • New Fin set up experience for customers
  • Customer, Back-office, and Tracker tickets
  • Include/exclude tickets-balanced assignments
  • Customer reports for tracker tickets
  • Side conversations
  • New email signature attributes
  • Tickets email notification improvements
  • Ticket email notifications - grouping
  • Company portal for Tickets (web)
  • All Ticket Type Attributes in Custom Actions
  • Tickets Space in the Messenger (web & mobile)
  • Tickets notifications in the Messenger
  • API for Multi-Help Center
  • Mobile SDK multi-brand/Multi-HC
  • Multi HC-aware inserters
  • Multi-HC stats coverage (Reporting follow up)
  • Multi-HC Link Affinity
  • Help Center: customize collection cards
  • Help Center: Homepage Layout configuration
  • Help Center: Header and Search configuration
  • More social media links in Help Center footer
  • Help Center - Footer logo customisation
  • Help Center: Complex footer (templates)
  • Help Center Customization - Custom fonts
  • Help Center - Custom Information Architecture
  • Help Center Redirects Management
  • Help Center Customization - Call-to-actions
  • Customise the "Start Conversation"
  • Ticket API Improvements
2023 Q4
37 Features Shipped
  • Fin AI Answer trials in Workflows
  • Fin set up page for starter customers
  • AI autofill for ticket titles & descriptions
  • AI compose: My tone
  • AI compose: translate & fix spelling
  • AI Summaries in Workflows
  • Fin asking clarifying questions
  • Fin - Expectation Setting in the Messenger
  • Agent performance & team performance reports
  • Chart drill-in
  • Reporting Datasets
  • Bulk delete Workflows
  • Wait step in Workflows
  • Path linking in workflows builder
  • Prevent CSAT ratings until after certain time
  • Remove Conversation Tags in Workflows
  • Trigger workflows from the inbox
  • Trigger workflows from the Inbox with Cmd+K
  • Reusable Workflows improvements
  • Standalone & outbound tickets report
  • Improved ticket triggers for workflows
  • Ticket SLAs
  • Auto-convert conversations to tickets
  • Bulk link conversations to tracker tickets
  • “Created by you” inbox
  • Intercom Phone-voice, video & screen sharing
  • Intercom Phone - Outbound & Inbound Calls
  • Create Tickets in Messenger (web & mobile)
  • Mobile App Security Update
  • SMS automated Toll-Free Verification
  • Inline images for Articles
  • Surveys permissions improvements
  • DMARC support
  • Dynamic Dropdowns in Jira for Tickets
  • Lead to User merge inside the Inbox
  • Phone number porting (Intercom Phone)
  • "Conversation Assignment Changed" trigger
2024 Q1
37 Features Shipped
  • Inline citations for AI answers
  • Better clarifications in AI answers
  • More follow-up AI answers
  • Semantic search improvements
  • Fin Home Experience
  • Fin Answer Reporting: Unresolved Questions
  • Fin Multilingual
  • AI Agent metadata in the API
  • AI speed improvements
  • Fin Voice UI on Android
  • Re-usable Custom Answers
  • Edit conditional branch title in Workflows
  • Workflows CSAT improvements
  • New chart types & chart customization options
  • Teammate performance reports fast follows
  • Unresolved Questions: Related content sources
  • Channel-based inbox views
  • Improved inbox view for AI Agent
  • Customise user inactivity settings
  • Follow-up messages when a user goes inactive
  • Auto-closing "finished" state conversations
  • Chart drill-in in CSV export
  • Custom Answers in unresolved questions report
  • Attachment Safety Improvements
  • Settings search capability
  • Strip links in inbound emails (anti-phishing)
  • Mobile Conversations app SAML support
  • Sort by start time in chat layout
  • Link tooltips in email conversations
  • Manage link warnings & add trusted domains
  • Link tooltips for all inbound conversations
  • Improvements to previewing items
  • Keyboard shortcut for cross-posting a note
  • MultiBrand Push for mobile
  • Phone - Call overflow
  • Phone - CSAT (Call rating)
  • Office Hours and Reply Times Settings
2024 Q2
27 Features Shipped
  • Improving AI question summaries
  • Better AI support for English & multilingual
  • Fin Pre-handover answer attempt
  • Fin over email open beta
  • Fin over Email: New Email predicates
  • Fin AI Copilot
  • Fin AI Copilot with Internal Articles
  • Fin AI Copilot multilingual
  • More concise and readable AI Agent answers
  • Improving precision of Custom Answers
  • Conversation tag predicate in Workflows
  • Remove person tag action in Workflows
  • Fin Troubleshooting: Workflows template
  • Language detection improvement
  • Custom Answer handover improvement
  • Bar Charts in Custom Reports
  • Heatmaps in Custom Reports
  • Improved Chatbot CSAT
  • Filter tickets by ticket status
  • Better Email Delivery Errors
  • Knowledge Hub
  • Internal Articles
  • Internal Content Import
  • Jira for Tickets App with Workflows & Actions
  • Find & rate conversations in the Messenger
  • Phone - Callbacks
  • Phone - Outbound dialer

Having Intercom bring AI features to the market so quickly, and iterate on them so fast has been super valuable for us……every other day you’re like “hey, check out this new thing”

Angelo Livanos
Senior Director of Global Support, Lightspeed

The product innovation and vision Intercom shows is creating a new category in support.

Luke Cullimore
Senior Revenue Operations Lead, Birdie

We were using Zendesk but found the experience challenging and a bit dated. I wanted to create a different customer experience and Intercom was thinking about AI really early.

Jared Ellis
Global Director for Product Support & Technical Success, Culture Amp

Having Intercom bring AI features to the market so quickly, and iterate on them so fast has been super valuable for us……every other day you’re like “hey, check out this new thing”

Angelo Livanos
Senior Director of Global Support, Lightspeed

The product innovation and vision Intercom shows is creating a new category in support.

Luke Cullimore
Senior Revenue Operations Lead, Birdie

We were using Zendesk but found the experience challenging and a bit dated. I wanted to create a different customer experience and Intercom was thinking about AI really early.

Jared Ellis
Global Director for Product Support & Technical Success, Culture Amp

The only CS platform with a proactive support solution

Intercom is the only customer service platform with a proactive support solution, so you can get ahead of support issues before they happen.

You can onboard, educate, and notify your customers with outbound messages that include product tours, banners, tooltips, and more.

A screenshot of the Intercom application UI

By proactively targeting specific customers, we’ve seen a reduction of almost 80% in the contact rate for temporary issues.

Christian Parker
Director of Managed Services at TrueCommerce

We use Intercom for our self-service customers. They get product education through checklists, product tours, outbound messages, and help documentation throughout their journey.

Kara Gladish
Manager of Customer Experience at Webex Events

A key value differentiator of Intercom compared with Zendesk was its ability to offer proactive and self-serve support capabilities.

Vincent Terol
Head of Customer Success at Spendesk

By proactively targeting specific customers, we’ve seen a reduction of almost 80% in the contact rate for temporary issues.

Christian Parker
Director of Managed Services at TrueCommerce

We use Intercom for our self-service customers. They get product education through checklists, product tours, outbound messages, and help documentation throughout their journey.

Kara Gladish
Manager of Customer Experience at Webex Events

A key value differentiator of Intercom compared with Zendesk was its ability to offer proactive and self-serve support capabilities.

Vincent Terol
Head of Customer Success at Spendesk

AI on all plans

AI for all

Our AI is for everyone, which is why our AI agent and AI copilot are available on all of our pricing plans—not gated like other platforms.

Priced to value

With Fin AI Agent, you only pay for the outcome you care about most—resolved conversations.

Compared to Zendesk's AI bot, Fin AI Agent performs better and is always cheaper at $0.99 per resolution. With Zendesk you can pay as much as $2 for the same outcome.

AI for all