End user location | Outbound call Per minute |
United States & Canada | $0.0220 |
United States & Canada - Toll-Free | $0.0220 |
United States - Alaska | $0.1160 |
United States - Hawaii | $0.0220 |
Phone number prices depend on the region and type of the phone number (local, toll free or mobile). For example, local and Toll Free US numbers have different prices.
You can see all countries we support and their associated prices using the drop-downs above.
Phone number prices will be billed every month the phone number is active. All prices are exclusive of applicable taxes.
Phone call minute prices vary based on the call direction (inbound, outbound), region and phone number type (local, toll free or mobile).
You can see all countries we support and their associated prices using the drop-downs above.
Billing will be rounded off to the next minute. For example, if a call lasts 2min 35sec it will be billed for 3 minutes. All prices are exclusive of applicable taxes
Minutes are calculated from the start of the call until the call has ended. This includes the time customers calling your business spend in the IVR, wait queues and on-hold.
You can see a breakdown of your individual call usage and costs in the Billing -> Subscription page in the product.
Yes! You can trial Intercom Phone free for 14 days. You can use up to $10 during this time period.
If you continue to use Intercom Phone after your trial period ends, you will be billed for your usage at the rates listed above.
If you do not wish to continue using Phone, make sure to delete all phone numbers from your workspace.