With ambitious growth plans for the future, the Retention.com team has peace of mind that its customer service platform can scale with the company as it continues to expand. “As the product grows, we realize that our current support volume will be a drop in the ocean,” says Robb. “So being able to leverage Intercom and its reporting features to see where we need to plug some holes in our support experience will be paramount for allowing our users to continue to self-serve at such a high rate – and for us to be able to scale our support in the future. We’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of what Intercom has to offer.”
Reflecting on his experience using Intercom so far, Robb points to the clear advantages of using a complete service platform, versus a lot of separate tools. “The biggest benefit of Intercom is being able to house the vast majority of our needs under one roof. It’s a one-stop shop for being able to support our users and ensure that they’re having a fantastic experience with our products,” he says.
“My advice to other support leaders considering using Intercom is to take the trial for a spin. You get all of the features and can make educated decisions about what the capabilities of the platform are. Once I saw the capabilities of the platform and how our support agents, the AI, the articles, the workflows, proactive support, our customer data, and more all interacted seamlessly with each other, it was a no-brainer.”