Simply (formerly JoyTunes) reduced response times by 99% and creates joyful support experiences for millions of learners

With Liran Biderman, Head of Learner Experience at Simply
78%5/5 CSAT rating
20-30%self-serve resolution rate
1.5 minresponse time
At a glance


Simply (formerly JoyTunes) is a global subscription service reinventing the way people all over the world discover, learn and share creative hobbies.


Tel Aviv, Israel



Key features used

Team Inbox
Custom Bots

Simply is the company behind renowned music learning apps Simply Piano and Simply Guitar. Previously, Simply's Support team was split into specialist groups that helped learners – which is what Simply calls its customers – with questions related to dedicated topics, but they found that the requests they were receiving often spanned multiple topic areas.

This resulted in an inefficient way of working for the team, and sometimes left learners waiting over 10 hours for a reply. Simply is committed to creating “wow” experiences for its learners, which long wait times weren’t enabling the team to do. So, they knew that they needed to make changes that would allow them to drive efficiency and keep response times to a minimum – and truly provide learners with the “wow” experience they pride themselves on.

We don’t want to make it hard for people to talk to us. If someone needs help, we’re going to be there for them.
Liran Biderman, Head of Learner Experience at Simply

"We don’t want to make it hard for people to talk to us," says Liran Biderman, Head of Learner Experience at Simply. "If someone needs help, we’re going to be there for them.” With that in mind, the team at Simply implemented a number of changes to help them streamline their support.

First, they reconsidered their specialist Support team model. By combining these specialist groups into a single team to help learners with any and all queries, they would be able to tackle inbound questions more quickly and efficiently – so that’s precisely what they did. Once the team had been restructured, Simply turned to Intercom’s customer communications platform to help them build a stellar customer experience. 

Our learners often reach out to us for help while they’re learning how to play an instrument, so it’s critical that we’re able to get back to them quickly, all while maintaining our unique tone of voice and care-bear attitude.
Liran Biderman, Head of Learner Experience at Simply

With the Intercom Inbox, Simply’s support agents can get a holistic view of their learners and the issues they’re experiencing, enabling them to respond to and resolve queries quickly. Within just a month of implementing these changes, learners’ wait times were reduced by a staggering 98.7%. That reduction has since grown to 99.8%, with response times sitting at 90 seconds. “Our learners often reach out to us for help while they’re learning how to play an instrument, so it’s critical that we’re able to get back to them quickly, all while maintaining our unique tone of voice and care-bear attitude so they feel that we’re there for them," says Liran. "With Intercom, we’ve reduced our median response time from over 10 hours to just one and a half minutes, and still provide a mind-blowing support experience."


Having seen such impressive results, Simply then turned to Intercom’s automation and self-service features to further boost efficiency. By leveraging Custom Bots and adding the ability for learners to search for help articles directly in the Intercom Messenger, Simply was able to automatically resolve common queries, which not only saved the team time, but also provided learners with instant answers and boosted satisfaction, as a result. In fact, this change resulted in a 6.3% increase in 5/5 CSAT – the team’s core KPI. While streamlining their support, Simply closely monitored their 5/5 CSAT to ensure that learner satisfaction remained high and that they continued to enjoy truly “wow” experiences.

Intercom’s Custom Bots have also been a big help in triaging requests that need some additional support from the team, ensuring that Simply’s support agents have all the context they need to set learners up for success – fast. The team has seen impressive results using Intercom’s bots and automation capabilities, with 20–30% of common queries being resolved through self-serve support. With Intercom's help, Simply is creating stand-out support experiences and building strong, lasting relationships with its learners.